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Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Recognizes Radiation Technology Staff

Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Recognizes Radiation Technology Staff
During National Radiologic Technology Week, November 4-10, 2018, Claxton-Hepburn Medical center celebrates and thanks radiation technologists for all their hard work. Radiologic technologists perform hundreds of millions of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy procedures every year. This year’s National Radiologic Technology Week theme is Powerful Together. It highlights radiologic technologists’ unwavering commitment to advancing quality healthcare through the power of teamwork, enduring every patient receives exceptional care. Shown in the photo are some of the radiology staff at Claxton-Hepburn. Seated is Julie bush, Rachel Hooley, Dr. Ali Gharagozloo, Kristin Worden, and Virginia McCarthy. Standing is Ruthanne Badlam, Dustin Brien, Lauren Infield, Kennedy Murray, and Wendy Denner. Your tomorrow is worth defending.